Protected: A Soundtrack for Into the Blank

to birth laws of relational dark
Close your eyes / in a dark room / and choose / which dark to fear.

Most of my adult life was spent estranged from my father due to differences of political opinion, or as he once told me, “because I refused to obey.”

Dawn and Her Brother’s Ghost’
After your brother disappeared, sometimes you found yourself whispering wishes rather than questions.

Live to Eat
Eating is a disorder. My whole life I’ve eaten too much or not enough or all the wrong things.

Touching The Elephant: Notes from a Haitian in the Diaspora
It has always been a failure of both imagination and of historical evidence, to only center Haiti in crisis.

Tracing the Revolution: Yasmin El-Rifae on the Radius and the Afterlives of Political Action
You are reckoning, constantly, with the persistence of the past as it is actively being destroyed, this strange temporal struggle within minds and bodies that remember what is being denied.

From Kabul to the World, One Mural at a Time: An Interview with Omaid Sharifi
When we completed a couple of murals, we realized that this movement had the potential to bring a lot of beauty and dialogue to a space that revolved around war.